There are 3 important steps to clear your driveway of snow:
- Clear snow from sidewalks and driveway using a snow blower or shovel. Spray your shovel with NeverWet™ as a great way to prevent snow build up and extra weight on the shovel.
- Spread ice melter on walkways, porches, or decks using the Whiz™ spreader. Premium products like calcium chloride are great on concrete and wood decks. They are more effective to lower temperatures than rock salt and won’t destroy your grass. Use our Pet-Friendly option to protect your pet’s paws. Store in a 5 gallon bucket with lid to prevent moisture absorption.
- Utilize a roof rake to safely remove built up snow on your roof and then use roof melt as directed to prevent ice dams and damage to your home.
Recommended Tools & Materials
- Ice Melter
- Shovel
- Snow Blower
- Hat
- Gloves
- Hand/Foot Warmers
- Roof Melt
- Roof Rake
- Scotts® Whiz™ or Other Spreader
- NeverWet™
- 5 Galllon Bucket
- Bucket Lid
- Scoop